Upromise Surveys

Surveys are a fun way to participate with Market Research companies and provide them with your feedback regarding products, services, and so much more all while earning cash for successfully completing a survey!   Now Upromise offers yet another way for you as our Member to earn and save!
Qualifying for a Survey is easy to do however, please remember that not all surveys will be a good fit for all members. 

Each survey is looking for specific information from survey takers that may be determined by several factors as set by the survey provider. Surveys can have a series of pre-qualification questions that are needing to be met before the survey can be submitted. At times, a survey you attempt may not be available due to the survey provider already receiving their quota of responses needed from other members who match or closely match the required demographics they are looking for.

Survey providers do require accurate data for their research and often include questions in surveys to ensure respondents are always providing thoughtful and honest answers. Changing how you respond to questions on surveys can affect your ability to participate in future surveys if the survey providers determine responses provided are inconsistent, invalid, or incomplete.

We strive to ensure the best survey-taking experience for our members, however, there is always a chance that a technical error may occur. If your survey encounters an error, rest assured that our team will be investigating the issue with a focus on getting our members back up and running as soon as possible. 

So, you finally submitted your last question to finish the survey and you don’t see the credit reflecting your account?! Oh, we get it! As frustrating as that can be, here are a couple of things you need to keep in mind when participating in surveys...here we go!

1)    Some surveys may be credited to your account on a delay. In such cases, you will be told about this when starting the survey. (Ex: “The survey you are about to complete will not be credited instantly and may take up to 7 business days for crediting" – these are referred to as delayed crediting surveys.
2)    The survey you attempted resulted in a disqualification event.

Helpful Tip: We do suggest writing down the Survey ID before clicking on the survey for reference if any issue occurs.

We reserve the right to request screenshots of completed surveys prior to or after the awarding of your credit in order to verify with the applicable provider that such completions are valid.