How do I earn Upromise rewards when shopping online?
To earn rewards when shopping online, you should start by logging into your Upromise Account then clicking the Shop icon. You can explore within the Upromise online shopping mall with Offers, Favorites etc., or the search bar to input a store.
You will not be eligible for rewards from online shopping if you do not log into your Upromise account and shop through the links provided.
Do I have to use registered credit or debit cards?
It is not necessary to complete your online shopping transaction(s) with a credit or debit card you have registered with Upromise.
Can I use PayPal or store issued credit cards?
Once you have transferred to the merchant site through the Upromise online shopping mall link, you are able to use any form of payment the merchant accepts.
Can Upromise help me remember to use Upromise Shopping for online purchases, so I make sure I get my rewards every time I shop online?
Yes, Upromise’s RewardU® shopping extension helps our members earn valuable rewards and savings when they shop online by reminding them to shop through the Upromise Shopping portal. A new RewardU® shopping extension will be available later this year.