Can I use special offers and coupons and still earn Upromise rewards when shopping online?

We work with our merchants to provide you with special offers and coupons that you can use while still receiving Upromise rewards.  To view current special offers and promotions, please click on the Offers tab from the Upromise Shopping page. Please review each individual merchant’s Terms of Use and offer details before shopping.

If you use coupons or special offers that are not listed on the Upromise site or in a Upromise email, we cannot guarantee that you will be eligible to receive Upromise rewards on those purchases.  Furthermore, please note that coupons and special offers listed on the Upromise site are subject to change and restrictions may apply.  Upromise tries to present the active coupons and accurate offers but cannot make guarantees due to the time-sensitive nature of these promotions.