How do I close my Upromise account?

To close an active Upromise account, please login to your account, submit a Contact Us request from the Support page, and let us know that you would like to close your account.

If you have $50 or more in Earned Rewards at the time you elect to close an active Upromise account with one linked 529 College Savings Plan account, your Earned Rewards will be transferred to your linked 529 College Savings Plan account during the first week of the following month.

If you have $10 or more in Earned Rewards at the time you elect to close an active Upromise account with one linked checking or savings account, your Earned Rewards will be transferred to your linked checking or savings account during the first week of the following month.

If you have multiple accounts or account types actively linked, including at least one 529 College Savings Plan account, your minimum transfer requirement for a transfer of your Earned Rewards will be $50 for each account (including both 529 Plan accounts and checking/savings accounts).  Otherwise, your minimum transfer requirement for a transfer of your Earned Rewards will be $10 for each account.

If you have less than the minimum transfer requirement in Earned Rewards at the time of closure based on the actively linked account(s), you will forfeit your Earned Rewards since they do not meet the minimum transfer requirement.

Also, any Pending Rewards or other rewards that have not yet become Earned Rewards at the time of closure will be forfeited.  Transferred Rewards for which the transfer has been completed before the closure of your account are not affected.

If you don’t have a linked 529 College Savings Plan account or checking/savings  account when you wish to close your Upromise account, and your Upromise account has more than $10 in Earned Rewards, then before you close the account, you should link a checking/savings account by clicking on the <Add New Accounts> button on your Profile page. Enter the information requested and then click <Save>.  Once your account is linked, we will automatically transfer your Earned Rewards balance during the first week of the following month, provided you have $10 or more in Earned Rewards at the time of closure. 

Please note that if you are a Upromise World Mastercard holder, you will need to first contact BarclaycardUS to close your credit card. The Barclays customer care team can be reached at 1-866-928-8598. Every Upromise World Mastercard account needs to be associated with an open Upromise Rewards account.  After your Upromise World Mastercard is closed, please allow 4-6 weeks for your final Earned Rewards from any Upromise World Mastercard transactions to appear in your Upromise account.  Then submit a Contact Us request from the Support page, and let us know that you would like to close your Upromise account after that has occurred.